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Taśma Kinesio Tex Gold FP

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Index: Category: Tape
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Kinesio® Tex Gold, with the original wave patterned-adhesive design, has become the standard in elastic therapeutic taping. Offering a gentle and effective approach to the re-education of the neuromuscular system, improvement of circulation of blood/lymph, and relief of pain, providing comfort and stability to your patient care needs.

With over 25 years of research, development and clinical use, Kinesio® Tex Gold, with the original wave patterned-adhesive design, has become the standard in elastic therapeutic taping. Offering a gentle and effective approach to the re-education of the neuromuscular system, improvement of circulation of blood/lymph, and relief of pain, providing comfort and stability to your patient care needs.

Kinesio Taping's key differentiator is its ability to aid the lymphatic and muscle systems. For many, the Kinesio Taping® applications are a major breakthrough which substantially reduce recovery times and improve fitness levels.

Applications can also encourage lymphatic fluid to move from areas of high pressure to low pressure and towards working lymph nodes. For example, it might be necessary to clear areas where the lymph will be draining towards.

Kinesio Taping can also help to facilitate the stretch response of the angions, with movement or muscle contraction. To ensure that the muscles have free range of motion, elastic tapes with an elasticity of 130-140% of its original length are recommended for Kinesio Taping. This specific elasticity also will not allow an over stretch of the muscles themselves. It may look like conventional athletic tape, but tape and Kinesio Taping is fundamentally different. Kinesio Taping is based on a different philosophy that aims to give free range of motion in order to allow the body's muscular system to heal itself bio-mechanically.

BenefitsPhysiological Effects of Kinesio Tex Taping:

  • Relieves pain
  • Supports muscles in movement
  • Removes lymphatic fluid congestion
  • Corrects joint mis-alignment
  • Assists in positioning a muscle or joint into proper position for rehabilitation
  • Assists a weak muscle by placing it in a normal position
  • Improves kinesthetic awareness of posture and alignment